Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Conspiracy Theorists and Libertarians

No wonder why people identify libertarians with wackos, on facebook today two of the libertarian pages I 'like' were talking about conspiracy theories. Namely chemtrails and 9-11 conspiracies. They're all spouting pseudoscience non-sense, selective recall, and erroneous media reports. One claim says it would be impossible to coordinate the 9-11 attacks and over power the aircrews with just box cutters. I mean, really how so? The only coordination was having to buy tickets on the same morning...that's not very hard to do. After that there was no more coordination, each terrorist team just had to do it's part which was taking over the airplane and guiding it into their designated target. And back then the prevailing wisdom was to cooperate during a hijack situation and that was your best chance at survival. It wasn't until learning both the Pentagon and WTC were struck that the passengers of flight 93 took action. Then of course WTC itself, how it was meant to withstand a jet liner crashing into it and it must of been explosives. Well first of all, what something is design to withstand and can actually withstand are two different things. And second, it was meant to withstand a low flying 707 coming in for a landing, not a fully fueled jet crashing into it at full 600mph. Then of course WTC-7 because someone was caught on camera saying to 'pull-it', yeah a demolition crew stuck in, planted explosives and destroyed the building and have been lying about it! Or the fires weren't hot enough to melt steal, maybe not but it was hot enough to weaken it. The main problem with conspiracy theorists is that have an answer for every rebuttal using pseudoscience logic and logical fallacies, they can make up bullshit all day long. And since it seems most of the conspiracy theorists are part of the liberty movement / libertarians / classical liberals it's going to be really hard to affect and sort of change for freedom and liberty when no one will take us seriously.

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