Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm a Libertarian!

Hi welcome to my blog, I hope to write about politics and my views on different issues. I'm a free-market laissez faire capitalist libertarian, some might say I'm a minarchist I still believe the state is necessary mainly for protection and providing public works or institutions private companies or individuals can't provide because the profit could never repay the expense.  I'm also opened minded about the anarcho-cap position that the state is 100% unnecessary, but like I said above I'm not there yet.    My motto is everyone should be free to do whatever they wish, so long as that action doesn't harm anyone else physically or financially. I believe compulsory taxation is theft, that means income taxes. I think the Federal Reserve should be abolished  I enjoy reading Mises, Bastiat, Rothbard, Rand, and Friedman.

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